
The objective of Agri4 is to make farming inputs more affordable and accessible – especially for farmers living in the remote regions of Iran. We began with a dream to improve the quality of life of rural farmers, and a hope to make a sustainable and revolutionary change in the country’s agriculture industry.

Python Training Courses

Session 1

1. What Is Programming
2. What is Python
3. Installing python

Session 2

1. Variables
2. Variable Names
3. Data Type
4. Strings

Session 3

1. Install Python on Windows 7
2. Formatted Strings & None Type
3. Escape sequence
4. Number methods and operations
5. Number Methods or Functions
6. Most Popular Programming Languages
7. Type Conversion
8. Boolean Function

Session 4

1. Comparison Operators
2. Conditional Statements
3. Ternary Operator
4. Logical Operators
5. Exercise - Even or Odd
6. Plot with python
7. For Loop
8. For Loop 2
9. Nested Loop
10. Iterable
11. Exercise - Prime number

Session 5

1. Exercise - Sigma
2. While Loop
3. Infinite Loops
4. Functions - Intro
5. Functions - Examples
6. Functions - Parameters
7. Functions - Two types
8. Optional parameters
9. Non-keyword arguments
10.Keyword arguments

Session 6

1. Debugging
2. Lists
3. List function
4. Accessing List items
5. List unpacking
6. Loop over lists
7. Modifying lists
8. Modifying lists
9. Finding items in lists

Session 7

1. Sorting Lists
2. Lists comprehensions
3. Lists comprehensions
4. Swap list items
5. Dictionaries
6. Accessing Dictionaries
7. Dictionary Methods
8. Dictionary Methods
9. Dictionary Methods
10. Dictionary Methods
11. Dictionary Comprehensions
12. Dictionary Comprehensions

Session 8

1. Libraries
2. Matplotlib Intro
3. Matplotlib Example1
4. Matplotlib Example2
5. Matplotlib Example3
6. Matplotlib Example4
7. Pandas
8. Precision Agriculture Example
9. Precision Agriculture Example

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